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Name :Antoine Refauvelet
Phone number :33-6-81530405
E-mail :arefauvelet@richporterlighting.com


I’m Antoine REFAUVELET, i work for Richporter in lighting, we are in France, Québec and United States.

We work on industrial, warehouse, ports and docks project and we are looking for a good range of product.

After check you website, some of your product can intserest us for our project :


Are you looking for a distributor in France ? if yes can you send me the spec sheet of this list of product ?

We actually work on ports and stade project with our partener Petit Jean : http://www.petitjean.fr/

Your LE400 with assymetric beam angle could be a solution, have you the ies file in 5000K for this projector ? and can you tell us an exemple of price for 1 sample and for 50 units ?

We'll have a big meeting with Tokheim for gas station, your CP115 could be a solution, have you the ies file for this fixture ?

Best Regards,

Antoine Refauvelet
Responsable secteur Industrie/GMS
Mail: arefauvelet@richporterlighting.com

Richporter éclairage
3 rue du 3ème régiment des cuirassiers
54300, Moncel les Lunéville

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