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Service center

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Name :Mr S.T. Foo
Phone number :+60-3-21421444
E-mail :stfoo@elemar.com.my

Good day to you ladies and gentlemen,

I'm S.T.Foo from Electrical Marketing Sdn Bhd, Malaysia. We would like to become your sole distributor and focusing on south East Asia Market, especially in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia.
Electrical Marketing is a electrical supplier, electrical panel and system provider, factory and processes automation engineering and others. Working with European manufacturers and Japanese manufacturersa for supplying to local business and create brand awareness in this region.
We would like to become your sole distributor in Malaysia focusing on below market and sector:
1)consumer market
2)industrial market - (factories and building)
3)special application -(project base - stadium, hotels....)
4)special application 2-(project base - to support developer and M&E contractor)
Brand awareness campaign - participate exhibition
Meanwhile, we would like to request some sample, may I know how can we request some sample for you. (the proposed of sample is for marketing purposed only, Not For Selling)
Please feel free to contact if there's any query.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Mobile /whatsapp: +60193709341
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