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Name :Marc
Phone number :646-235-6509
E-mail :22montess@optonline.net

Hello, my name is Marc and I'm an owner of a small electrical company in New York. I have a client that operates a small private school in Suffolk County that I do work for. The gym have approx 20 of a Posco 120 watt LED fixture, PH8CHA15N3C00, (that's the number he gave me) they are approx 30'-40' up so the picture was not very clear of the model number BUT several are FLASHING and the gym is unusable for sports at this time. SO I was looking for help in locating a replacement fixture for 4 of them but cannot locate a local dealer. Any help would be great.... thanks in advance.

Marc Cottage
Cell 646.235.6509
이메일 무단수집 거부
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